Become a Client
We represent businesses in various industries, including banking, construction, professional services, automotive, and real estate. ​
Representative business clients include:
American Express National Bank
Bank of America
Wells Fargo Bank
Chase Bank
Discover Bank
Oculus Trading, LLC
Sanford Federal Contracting, Inc.
DSP Contracting, Inc.
Davis Engine Repair, Inc.
Atlantic Nationwide Trucking, Inc.
Elite Home Entertainment, Inc.
Freestyle Fabrication & Offroad, Inc.
Hybrid & Gas Automotive, Inc.
MGS Gas Installation & Supply LLC
Colors Department, LLC
Confidence Health Systems, LLC
Team 22 Real Estate, LLC
Phillips Family Construction, Inc.
Metropolitan Health Services, LLC
SECO Investments, Inc.
Oak Valley Properties, LLC
Solid Brick Contracting LLC
Kash Money Investments, LLC
Boothe Brothers & Assoc., LLC
All information received is held confidentially .
Filling out the client intake form does not imply that an attorney-client relationship has been formed. In order to form an attorney-client relationship, both the Attorney and Client needs to sign a retainer agreement after discussing all relevant factors.